Saturday, 13 April 2013

Save the Date: Mission Day June 15, 2013

SAVE THE DATE GUYS! Saturday, June 15, 2013! If you are in the area, please come join us for the 3rd Annual Mission Day at St. Jacobs Mennonite Church! Enjoy special cultural performances from various churches, hear mission report from Reverend Dan Yang and enjoy delicious food! This is a free event and everyone is welcome! 

This is the event that we hold every year to fellowship with our partner churches and to encourage one another to go forth and spread the Gospel.

Thursday, 4 April 2013

The Friendship Church

Our mission work begins here at the Friendship Church, Chiang Mai. For the past few years, I have been visiting this church during my several return trips to Thailand. During these visitations I have come to know the church members and many of their needs. This young church comprised mostly of youth and young adults who moved from their mountainous hometown into the city to in search for jobs and education. Most of the members are Hmong people, which is one of many hilltribes found in the mountainous regions of Thailand. 

The church was a small new church that lacks leadership and guidance. After speaking the many of the church members, the church asked if I would be willing  to come teach and train them. Hence, I thought this was a great opportunity for me to start my vision of leadership training in Southeast Asia. It seemed that God has finally opening a door for my mission.  

Once we arrived in Thailand, we began our ministry with the Friendship Church. We began teaching them our curriculum. Before going straight into leadership training, we wanted to build a solid foundation of the Gospel Message. Hence, our current teachings focuses on the Gospel Message.  

Worshipping at the Friendship Church

We are starting to teach the Gospel Message

The church is comprised mostly of Hmong students who are studying in colleges and universities. There are also young working couples. 

These young girls are wearing the traditional Hmong dresses.

A young couple just accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal saviour.

Fellowship during lunch time after worship

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

More Update and Stories To Come

I have just recently created this blog with the help of my daughter. There are many more stories and updates in the past that I have yet to post on this blog. I am hoping that I can gradually add more stories and pictures of our many experiences in Thailand. Please stay tune! 

In the mean time you can check out some of the pictures at our Facebook page by adding me as a friend (Dan Yang).